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Back to Botanics

Coming back from vacation with a refreshed mind and a new outlook is in itself inspiring and pretty much the goal I was trying to accomplish. For almost 2 weeks I had the opportunity to be surrounded by the beauty of Hawaii's Big Island discovering just how different one side of it is from the other. The luscious rainforests made up of so many different species of plants, trees and flowers. Majestic I tell you!! Being there I couldn't help but reflect on how pulled apart we are becoming from the wonders of nature. I feel like the more advanced we become in technology, the deeper the gap widens between us and nature and it isn't until we step aside and turn the noise off that we can really see the big picture.

What if there can be a middle ground? At one point in time man depended on nature's resources to solve all problems that came along the way. From weaving baskets to concocting medicines, we used plants for just about everything. Thanks to our ancestors, we have thousands of years of knowledge of which plants and botanicals are useful and for what, in addition to today's scientific advancements we can understand exactly what these plants are composed of and why they are useful. At some point in time these natural remedies were replaced with toxic chemicals creating corporation after corporation. It took decades of damage from both health related issues to environmentally damaging to see what the impact of these chemicals were having on us and the planet we live on. MAXDAHLIA believes the middle ground is combining the two wisdoms of past and present to guide us forward to living our most abundant lives while not compromising our Earth's condition.

Being in Hawaii and surrounded by all of it's beauty only intensified my desire to study and innovate using the most potent plant extracts that have been tried and studied. I learned of what botanics the native beauties of the island used and still use to aid in their beauty as well as their wellness. There are a lot of resources on the Island that I will be sharing in the near future along with an new exciting product release but for now I would like to share a simple face mask recipe inspired by the island that you can make at home that will help brighten the complexion and bring out the radiance of the skin naturally. All you need is:

Pineapple- high in bromelain, a powerful enzyme that aids in exfoliation to help remove dead skin cells that dull the complexion.

Papaya- natural source of alpha hydroxy acid's (AHA's) that assist in removing dead skin cells and helps speed up cell turn over revealing fresher skin that lies underneath the dead layers. High levels of papain, an enzyme found in papaya, helps further assist in dissolving the dead outer layers of skin.

Coconut Milk- rich source of vitamin C (one of the most beneficial anti aging ingredients known), copper (key component to collagen production), potassium (amazing for assisting in skin hydration), and lauric Acid (it's anti bacterial properties helps aid in acne prevention).

Below are some photos I took during my exploration. Most photos were taken on the East side of Hawaii primarily around the Hilo area. Enjoy and keep a look out for more Hawaiian beauty and wellness posts coming soon. If you try the mask recipe, please feel free to share your comments below and share with the beauties in you life! Mahalo my friends <3

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