Take a second and compare skincare to the produce you eat. Why do we always reach for the freshest, brightest produce? Because we know that the fresher the produce, the more delicious and nutritious it is. Why is fresh produce more nutritious than produce that has been sitting out? It's pretty simple, the longer they sit out, the more their active vitamins and nutrients oxidize, ultimately losing their nutritional value and antioxidant benefit. Same scenario goes for your skincare. The longer the product sits, the more the vitamins oxidize and lose their potency and effectiveness. Did you know that most skincare products sit in a warehouse boxed up for months before actually being brought home to use? This is why it is so important to us not only to design formulas loaded with the most beneficial ingredients (at higher percentages) but also get them delivered to you FRESH so that your skin can benefit the most from your skincare.
Why does clean matter and what does "clean" even mean? With so many lotions and potions out there, many of them have numerous ingredients in them that are known to cause toxicity to the organs and cause inflammation from within that is completely counter productive to what the product is meant to do in the first place. If you are buying a night cream (for example) that contains some pretty beneficial, skin restoring ingredients but also has ingredients found to be toxic to the body, that cream will cause more harm than good in the long run. At MAXDAHLIA, we keep our formulations clean (NON-TOXIC) so that the skin benefits the way it should from a product!! If you aren't familiar with the EWG (Environmental Working Group) Database, we highly recommend that you check it out!! It is a very useful tool for consumers to research products and ingredients to help educate them on what they are putting on their bodies everyday. We challenge you to do a toxic check on your skincare products or any ingredient you might be curious of. You can go straight to their database by clicking here.
We want your skin to be at it's optimal health because we know how good it feels to have healthy, radiant skin. Please feel free to share below what clean changes you have made recently. We salute you on your clean lifestyle journey. Your skin and your body will thank you.
#glowingskin #healthyglow #cleanbeauty #antiaging #antioxidants #freshskincare #greenbeauty #naturalskincare #maxdahlia