MAXDAHLIA: Behind the Bottle

MAXDAHLIA: Behind the Bottle

Changing the protocol of how things are usually done in the skincare industry, MAXDAHLIA operates following a certain criteria that we set for ourselves that must be met during the product development phase. Our favorite part of operations is product development. That's the time that we can really zone in on what people need and want and work towards creating something impactful that will help solve our customer's skin concerns and issues. Our formula for deliverance and success involves 4 steps that we feel are crucial in providing effective skin care products.

STEP ONE: All active and botanical ingredients we use had to have been proven effective through scientific studies and through historical data. There is not one ingredient in our formulas that doesn't serve a positive purpose in improving skin health and you will never find "filler" ingredients in our products. We personally love this step and are always researching for new and effective ingredients so we can further innovate and give our consumers what they have been looking for all along.

STEP TWO: All ingredients we use must be clean and non-toxic. Toxic ingredients will have the opposite effect on the skin. We want no part of that. Knowing that many skin ailments begin from the inside out we understand that putting toxic ingredients in our formulas would go against everything we are trying to accomplish which is promoting healthy, radiant skin.

STEP THREE: Every order that is placed is made and delivered fresh, unlike most products on the market that sit for months on shelves before they are taken home to be used. The problem with this is if a skincare product contains beneficial antioxidants and active ingredients, the benefits of these ingredients are substantially reduce as time goes by. Especially if the product contains water. Who wants half oxidized antioxidants?  What good are these big brand products if they aren’t potent enough like they are advertised to be?

STEP FOUR: The percentage of active ingredients must be used at percentages that actually will have a positive effect on skin health. Most companies use the “good actives” at lower percentages just to glorify their labels, we use them at higher percentages so that the skin actually reaps the benefits from them.

After all steps are taken, the testing begins and the many adjustments take place thereafter until the perfect consistency, texture, "slip", absorption and many other factors are evaluated. And this my friends is what true dedication is!! We know that our products will speak for themselves in the end. You can't just throw in a good skin active into a base, bottle it up in pretty packaging and expect it to have much of a positive impact. They say it's all in the details and we believe them.

#cleanskincare #cleanbeauty #naturalskincare #antiaging #antiblemish #noncomodogenic #crueltyfree #healthyskin #glowingskin #glow #antiagingskincare #greenbeauty #maxdahlia #skincare

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